Friday, December 5, 2008

Tailorbird Parent

Tailorbird Parent
Originally uploaded by BalaSomu
One of the parent of the recently hatched tailorbirds (Orthotomus sutorius). These guys were also bron in my garden in a previous batch. The chicks have just started flying. When I, along with my 4-year old son Adityan, went to get some pictures of the chicks playing in our hibiscus bush, the parents were keeping a strict vigil on us.

They live in and around our garden. We hear these guys from dawn to dusk. They live in the hibiscus bushes near my bedroom window and we are treated to their chirping day in and day out. They are quite a noisy lot, especially during dawn and dusk or when they bring their friends along :-)

There are two chicks and are very elusive. I have not given up on them yet. Will try to get some good pictures before they fly away.